Beauty and Skin care

Anyone can be beautiful. Really. It just takes a little knowledge.

Do you know?

• That some make-up colors could add 10 years to your looks?

• That there's a best time of day to treat cellulite?

• That you can eat your way to better looking skin?

• That knowing your nail type is as important as knowing your skin type?

• That whether your hair is curly or straight is more important than if it's dry or greasy in helping it look good?

We are here to Show you how beautiful you are, welcome on board...

7 Home Remedies for Body Odor

In some cultures and countries, intense body odor is considered a desirable characteristic, signifying greater sexual attractiveness and even prowess. But let's face it, in the United States, a pungent body aroma is not going to make you the life of the party.

So powerful is our cultural distaste for body odor that every day, some 95 percent of all Americans over the age of 12 reach for one product or another that will enable them to feel safe and secure in the company of others.

Body odor begins with sweat. The body has two types of sweat glands, and both types produce sweat that is made up largely of water. The eccrine glands, which are located on almost every part of the body, produce the sweat that cools the body. The apocrine glands, which are located in the armpits, around the nipples, and in the groin, produce sweat whose function is not clear.

One thing is obvious, however. The sweat from the apocrine glands can make you stink. The reason is that apocrine sweat contains a substantial amount of oil, which provides food for bacteria. It's this bacterial feeding frenzy that creates the odor that keeps others at a distance.

Despite some unpleasant side effects, sweating is actually an invaluable part of keeping your body cool -- even bacteria has many positive contributions to our lives. Well, if you can't stop sweating and you can't stop bacteria, what can you do? You can try some of the following home remedies, which will help keep your body odor from announcing your presence to those far and near.

Keep it clean. The strength of the odor a person produces depends on how much their glands secrete as well as the number of bacteria on their skin. People with strong underarm odors carry two to three times as many underarm bacteria as others. The best way to prevent body odor is to wash away sweat and bacteria. Clean the underarm and groin area with water and soap, preferably a deodorant soap, at least once a day, and more often, if necessary.

Bathe your britches.
Sweat that seeps into your clothing may remind you of its presence at very inopportune times. What's more, once it has dried, bacteria-containing sweat can damage the fibers of your clothing. Wear clean clothing, socks, and underwear every day. If you sweat a lot, wear clothing made of cotton, linen, or other natural material, which helps absorb sweat and facilitate airflow.

Try a deodorant.
For milder cases of body odor, a deodorant may help. Deodorants are considered cosmetics. Most contain a substance that helps kill the bacteria that are waiting to feed on your sweat. They may also help mask body odor by substituting a more acceptable scent.

Get tough with an antiperspirant.
Since body odor begins with sweat, one of the best ways to control it is to reduce the amount of sweat. That's what antiperspirants are for.

Antiperspirants are classified by the Food and Drug Administration as over-the-counter drugs because they are intended to alter a natural body function; namely, they decrease the production of eccrine sweat. (While apocrine sweat contains the oil upon which bacteria feed, neither an antiperspirant nor a deodorant can decrease apocrine sweat.) By decreasing the production of eccrine sweat, antiperspirants help keep you drier, thus reducing the moisture that creates a fertile breeding ground for bacteria. For added protection, antiperspirants usually also contain an antibacterial agent that fights odors.

Beat irritation and odor. If you've tried antiperspirants and deodorants and found that they irritate your skin, you might instead try washing with an antibacterial soap such as chlorhexidine (Hibiclens) or applying an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment. Other options for sensitive skin include using talcum powder or baking soda in place of an antiperspirant or deodorant.

Quiet your diet. Certain foods, such as hot peppers, can affect the amount of sweat an individual produces. And the aroma of other pungent foods, such as garlic, onions, spices, and alcohol, can be carried in your sweat.

Tone down that temper. Anger, anxiety, and excitement also increase production of sweat. Consider learning and practicing a technique, such as meditation or visualization, that can help you maintain your calm under stressful circumstances.



©2009 Spring of Beauty | by TNB